About Deep Blue

As of now, Deep Blue Sessions is one year old. 2010 was one hell of a ride---over 50 shows and 200 + hours of music at The Blue Laguna, 20 guest DJs, 15 live mixes posted to the blog, and a sound that went from deep house to, well, Deep Blue. As the year progressed we also built our sound system and expanded into the larger dining room area, which has allowed us more creative design freedom---but also brought about some challenges.

The size (and sound level) of our parties has increased to the point where we can no longer be good neighbors to the Holiday Inn with which we share a building. In the interest of preserving the relationship between The Blue Laguna and The Holiday Inn, Deep Blue Sessions has elected to pack up our gear and move the music elsewhere.

Needless to say, we are immensely saddened by this turn of events. Deep Blue is a product of The Blue Laguna; many of the best parts of our DNA are directly traceable to the memories (and the people) associated with the lounge that is truly one of Orange County’s best keep secrets. We will miss seeing our friends Stacey, Cyrus, Wilton, Brian, and Bryant weekly---but we also know that we will remain in contact because of how close we’ve gotten in the past year.

The upside of all of this is that change always presents an opportunity for improvement. As much as we’ve loved our time at The Blue Laguna, we’ve been playing with our sound system turned way down, and some of our guest artists have been nearly eaten alive by people who are looking for a more typical sound than we represent. At the top of the list of criteria for our next venue are A) unlimited volume and B) a location that better befits our target audience.

To those of you who’ve been with us since the beginning---we can’t properly express our gratitude. There is no club without you and we look forward to taking on the next stage of the dream with the strength given to us by your support. Thank you to everyone who’s ever come to the club or mentioned it to a friend, ever listened to one of our mixes, or even simply RSVP’d “no” to one of our events. It has all mattered. Keep your ear to the ground for more news from us very soon, and we’ll see you on the other side.

-Deep Blue Sessions